Friday, October 29, 2004

A Whole Lot of Shakin' Goin' On

The Washington Post had an article a few days ago on PEAD, or Pre-Election Anxiety Disorder. I know I've got it. I read so many polls, political blogs, newspaper articles, columns and e-mails that I feel vaguely exhausted by the too muchness of it all. It's an addiction. The more information I take in, the less I know what to do with it- the less control I feel like I have over the proceedings. I'm haunted by this phrase: statistical margin of error.

I'm looking for signs, synergies, indicators- manifestations of statistical assurances in apolitical situations . The Red Sox winning the World Series, for example. I'm eating my cereal, watching Matt and Katie interview a couple of blury eyed Red Sox players and I want it to be a sign. It must be. It has to be.

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